Thursday, June 30, 2011
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Animation 101: Puke. A Study..
Patrick Smith
I've never animated someone puking before. Here's a quicktime movie of this sequence.. take a look at it frame by frame, i think quicktime will let you do this with the arrow keys as long as the cursor is on the play bar. The first thing I noted was that a lot of people puke into their mouths before letting it out.. a last ditch attempt to keep stuff in I suppose. I also noticed the extreme recoil we go through, and how this must be exaggerated in a drawing if it's going to be an effective anticipation. So let's start..
the shot of orange goo that that triggered it all..
that didn't feel good.. i just want to sleep.. but there's something more.. there's business i must attend too.. it's in your mind.. you really want to just sleep but it's not that easy..
The realization that you're in trouble makes you open your eyes.. immense sadness hits you as you wonder when it's going to strike.. and it never strikes soon enough.
bang the desire to vomit hits you..
projectile vomiting twists your body into ways you never thought possible.. above I expanded his back to look like a hunchback.. i imagined the vomit building up higher into his body.
The puke is released, but only into his cheeks...
Release.. The trick with liquids is to go from fat to thin to a dribble, all the while keeping a "flow" almost like wind through a cape.
I hope you enjoyed this breakdown.. not sure when I'll ever be called upon again to animate a puke, i probably would have done it a lot differently now.. maybe adding a few fake outs, or like hiccups before the release.. but you can never think like that, you'll never get anything done. a crappy piece of finished animation is way better than an unfinished masterpiece! cheers.
Animation 101
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Monday, June 27, 2011
Google Icon by Takashi Murakami..
Patrick Smith
I'm into this google icon thing.. great place to mix art and business. Murakami is rad.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Trevor Brown.. who needs a brain when you can have a baby?
Patrick Smith
I'm surprized nobody has done an image like this before (above).. or maybe they have, I haven't seen it. seems so natural to have a baby growing in someones brain. Enjoy. Trevor has a sick blog too btw.
Friday, June 24, 2011
Thursday, June 23, 2011
This Friday.. "Masks" in Palm Springs Short Fest..
Patrick Smith
I've never had much luck with the academy accredited festival in Palm Springs.. the last film I had there was almost 10 years ago:/ But my latest short "Masks" is showing there this Friday, so please try to make it if you're at the festival, it's in a program aptly named "identity crisis"..
So far they've been top-notch in terms of print traffic and marketing. It's been a while since I've dragged myself to do the festival routine, having burnt myself out years ago, and this time around I'm being really picky about which ones I send my work to.
Still below from "Masks".. yeah, this little dude is about to die.
So far they've been top-notch in terms of print traffic and marketing. It's been a while since I've dragged myself to do the festival routine, having burnt myself out years ago, and this time around I'm being really picky about which ones I send my work to.
Imprisoned for Street Art..
Patrick Smith
This is insane. Artist's being jailed for vandalism (non-violent) is just stupid. Here's a good article about TOX.. It's fine if someone wrecks something and then has to face punishment via restoration, or community service, but JAIL TIME? please. In TOX case, it's not even clear if he did the actual graffiti or not. eff that. It's right up there with putting drug users in prison.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
THIS is how to do a film festival.. DC Shorts...
Patrick Smith
Upon my film "Masks" acceptance into the DC Shorts film festival, I was given a link to the judges feedback forms. This is amazingly helpful, and something all festivals should do. Cleveland Film Festival is the only other I know that does this (or makes access to this information simple). Basically, this makes it clear that this festival is not wasting your time.. especially if you consider that a lot of people PAY to enter festivals (crazy right?) This way, even if you get rejected, you still get valuable feedback. Here's the forms they sent me a link to, it appears that my film just squeaked in:)
In addition to the score card above, they provided you with individual judges comments, def the most helpful part:
This is my fifth or sixth time being part of this festival, and every year they seem to out do the year prior, so if you're in the DC area in september, stop by. Cheers.
In addition to the score card above, they provided you with individual judges comments, def the most helpful part:
This is my fifth or sixth time being part of this festival, and every year they seem to out do the year prior, so if you're in the DC area in september, stop by. Cheers.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Wampum Skateshop.. Opening tonight in Bridgehampton.
Patrick Smith
My buddy Lennon and his bro are opening up what is sure to be an epic shop.. which, if you ask me, will give the Hamptons a nice reality check. Tonight is the opening party and I contributed two custom skate decks (one of them is below). The art world loves portraying skate culture through their own lens, and it's always refreshing to actually see the real thing.
Lennon seems to have a very art/culture minded approach to this shop. Here's a write up in some Hamptons on-line publication that I would never read otherwise. Hope to see you there.
Gorillaz "Feel Good Inc" animatic..
Patrick Smith
Hands down my favorite gorillaz video. really cool to find this animatic. enjoy.
and below we have the final video...
and below we have the final video...
Monday, June 20, 2011
Jimbo Phillips graphics for Volcom..
Patrick Smith
Jimbo Phillips, son of the legendary Jim Phillips, has been designing his own product line for Volcoms their artist series. pretty cool.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Gorillaz "Rhinestone Eyes" animatic..
Patrick Smith
I don't think this one was ever made.. looks amazing, wish they produced it. good song too, bonus.
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Quicktime logo over the years..
Patrick Smith
yeah, this is fun digging up these things that we see and have seen most days of our careers. dig. this latest purple with highlights is the worst one of them all! they should have stuck with the first one!
Friday, June 17, 2011
Paramount logo over the years..
Patrick Smith
I still get a chill when the stars fly into the frame. does anyone else try to count them as they enter? These studio logos are just so epic.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Another thing that hasn't change much.. MGM logo...
Patrick Smith
I love how this hasn't really changed over the years.. and we all accept it, no matter how bizarre a lion framed with a graphic while roaring is. Enjoy.
I was surprized to learn that the different lions have different names.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
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