Wednesday, June 22, 2011

THIS is how to do a film festival.. DC Shorts...

Upon my film "Masks" acceptance into the DC Shorts film festival, I was given a link to the judges feedback forms. This is amazingly helpful, and something all festivals should do. Cleveland Film Festival is the only other I know that does this (or makes access to this information simple).  Basically, this makes it clear that this festival is not wasting your time.. especially if you consider that a lot of people PAY to enter festivals (crazy right?) This way, even if you get rejected, you still get valuable feedback.  Here's the forms they sent me a link to, it appears that my film just squeaked in:)

In addition to the score card above, they provided you with individual judges comments, def the most helpful part:

This is my fifth or sixth time being part of this festival, and every year they seem to out do the year prior, so if you're in the DC area in september, stop by. Cheers.

1 comment:

  1. This is awesome stuff. I agree, all festivals should do this.
