5...4...3...2...1...0. Nothing. Nada. Empty screen! Where is everyone? It must be a problem with the international time zones – people got confused with the deadline! Or maybe it was just a stupid idea. What was I thinking? Why would anyone want to create animation for one of my crackpot projects?
I felt rejected. Another stupid idea. I was ready to shut down the project. Then, we discover that our mail server was down and no one could connect with us. Sure enough, as soon as we were back online, we found we had over 200 people signing onto the “Global Jam” and we only had spots for 70 artists.
In fact, two weeks after the deadline and we already have 2 finished shots, and they look great! So it's very exciting to seem my crazy idea come through. I want to thank the people at Cartoon Brew for all their assistance and especially everyone who is participating in the grand experiment.
mine is a very short shot, but I had fun doing it! (shot 9) hope you like it!